Knowledge is ever-evolving

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.” - Gandhi

I disagree with Gandhi, rather to improve, I say:

"Earth provides enough to satisfy anyone's physical need but not anyone's psychological need or greed."

A living earthling needs the Earth to satisfy its physical/body's needs to live on, but none of its psychological needs can be met by the Earth, because psychological needs can never be satisfied by the exterior but by understanding the interior, a man must look inwards into his soul for psychological satisfaction.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. - Einstein

I disagree with Einstein, rather to improve, I say:

"There is only one way to live: to live as if everything is a miracle, and there is only one way to die: to live as if nothing is a miracle."

Life begins when we realize our true role in the unquestionable divine nature, death begins when we fantasize that we can capture an atom of divine-nature.

Someday, I will need to correct my own thought-quotes like this. I already see so many mistakes in my previous posts. Knowledge is ever-evolving...

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