Google increases sitelinks/sub-links in Search Results

Google is expanding its "sitelinks" option. These link guide the user to specific sections of the website. These Sitelinks. Google has found this additional sitelink feature to be very useful, and so the sitelinks now come with the same font as the main results. Earlier, it used to be in smaller font size.

And to add to that,  Google displays the URL along with the link along with a small snippet description. These two are new features.

A website can have up to a maximum of 12 sitelinks. And the algorithm has been modified  "by combining sitelink ranking with regular result ranking to yield a higher-quality list of links," the Google people said in a blog post on Tuesday. This they say will reduce link repitition and will give results that are "better organized," according to Google.

These sitelinks were first used back in 2006, they used to be an abbreviated version of what you see here.

How to get sitelinks in Google search results!

There is no way!. The Google algorithm adds this functionality according to its algorithm. But yes you do have the option to demote a sitelink. This can be done by using the Google Webmaster Tools Help.

To demote a sitelink URL

On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.

Under Site configuration, click Sitelinks.

In the For this search result box, complete the URL for which you don't want a specific sitelink URL to appear. In the Demote this sitelink URL box, complete the URL of the sitelink you want to demote. Once you've demoted or undemoted a sitelink, it can take some time for search results to reflect your changes. You can demote up to 100 URLs, and demotions are effective for 90 days from your most recent visit to the Sitelinks page in Webmaster Tools.


These recommendations are based on functional guess work, but surely should have an impact:

  1. Try to use structured navigation using unordered lists (UL) and text links. 

  2. CSS can be used to style the menus, make it brief, and if possible use second level headers.

  3. Structure the  navigation to have a concise number of destinations that get majority visitor hits.

  4. Your web site is best when it has a unique name. 

  5. You bet you need to have some good search engine rankings for certain keywords that you site stands for.

  6. Add functional titles and META tags to the site. Provide quality content and make sure that the visitors stick to the site

  7. Ensure that the the site is really useful in whatever that it displays. So that the user even if s/he does not get what she wants exactly, s/he should get glued to your site. The more the user digs deep into your site, the better. The user should not bounce back to the SERP (Search Engine Results Page), only then the site gets a better reputation.

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